TEOS NPO法人東都中小オーナー協会 テオス


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事業概要 space 事業概要
    • 経営支援
      • 会員(中小企業オーナー)への総合的な経営支援
    • 福祉事業
      • 生活困窮者、生活保護受給者への生活、自立支援、障害者支援
    • 環境保全事業
      • 土壌、水質環境調査 東京湾、長良川などの水質・環境調査の支援
      • 国際機関・海外機関との協力・支援 (NBS国際シンポジウム、FAO、他)
      • 人権問題
    • 国民の健康促進
      • 進行がん対策
      • アルツハイマー型認知症対策支援




 中小企業の経営者は、自身の技術、営業力、人間関係などを駆使して売り上げを伸ばす努力をしていますが、税務・財務知識、金融機関などとの交渉などの経験が乏しく効率的な経営を行えていません。更に、専門的な知識を持つ人間を雇用する余裕がないのも現実です。この点に着目して、費用的に抑えられ、かつ専門的な知識を持つ者を必要な時に必要な場所に支援できるような支援対策を提供致します。例えば、融資が必要な時、どこにどのような資料を持参すればよいのか、課税された税金を払いたいが一括で払えない場合、どのような資料を持参て交渉をすればよいのか?販路拡大をしたいが、効率よく営業できるよう、会員の中から適材適所の会 員同士を紹介いたします。






2)一般社団法人 生態系総合研究所が取り組んでいる以下の地域における生態系調査、水質環境調査などを支援する。


日本では、防災の為にコンクリートなど造作物を多用しますが、このことが生態系を破壊し血食う温暖化を促進しています。欧米では自然力を活用し水質浄化、生態系回復を行う為に、自然力を活用したNBS(Nature Based Sokution)が盛んになっています。

小松理事長のFAOのAg. NBS委員会のアドバイザー就任、Web会議への参加な機会を活用しながら、食品・農林水産・環境関連組織、企業に国際的な情報提供推進します。
2025年3月 一般社団法人生態系総合研究所が主催する四万十川国際NBSシンポジウム、2026年3月 東京湾でのNBSシンポジウム開催を支援します。


医療法人 偕行会グループが提唱される、「医療の使命とは、人の尊厳の基礎となる「いのちと健康」を守ること」に賛同し、協力体制をとり活動を推進しています。


現代では がんの治療は手術療法、放射線治療、化学療法(抗がん剤)が基本的な治療である。単独でこれらの治療が行われることもあるが併用療法(組み合わせはケースによって異なる)が一般的である。これらの治療法がより効果的になるのは、がんの早期発見である。早期発見はPET検査、内視鏡検査を組み合わせた健康診断が最も有効であり、それ以外では偶然に発見されることしかない。実際に治療後の生存率は年々進歩しており、前立腺がんでは5年生存率は100%に近い。








認知症は症状名であってその原因は多くあるが、基本的にアルツハイマー型が約7割を占める。アルツハイマー型は脳の萎縮と共に、アミロイドβが蓄積することにより生じる。その数の多さからアルツハイマー対策が最も重要である。認知症が何故国家的な対策が必要になるかといえば罹患患者数が膨大になるからである。2040年には認知症とその予備軍(MCIという)が3人に1人が罹患するからである。2040年には認知症は584万人、MCIは613万人になると言われている。レカネマブというアルツハイマー型の薬剤が認可されたが、ごく初期でなければ有効ではないとされる。家族がおかしいと気が付いた時はすでに進行しているので治療の対象にはならない。従って一定の年齢に達したら(60歳)国民一人一人が主体的に健診をうけることが必要であるが経験的に言っても極めて困難である。誰でも認知症になる可能性があると考えて自らを守るという国民の意識改革が必要である。画期的な治療薬が発見されなければ認知症対策は診療より「ケア」が中心とならざるを得ない。認知症のケアは「グループホーム」や精神科病棟、老人保健施設、特別養護老人ホームなどがあるが、認知症の今後の発生の多さに比べれば収容数は圧倒的に少ない。それのみかそういった施設で介護に従事するマンパワーはその待遇の悪さから減少する一方である。従って認知症のケアは家庭に依拠せざるを得ない。一般家庭でケアをするとなると現代の二世代家庭では極めて困難である。従って高校生が家庭で介護するヤングケアラーや子供がいない家庭ではワーカーケアラーが生まれることになる。これは家庭環境が早晩破壊  される。ワーカーケアラーはやがて職場を離れることになる。その数は今日300万人を超えるとされる。その数は一層増加するので日本経済に大きな影響を与えるし、国の存在も危機的になると言わざるを得ない。


Detailed Overview 1:Business Support

Comprehensive Business Support for Members (Small Business Owners)

TEOS offers comprehensive business support to small business owners, providing assistance in negotiations with government agencies, tax-related consultations, access to institutional loans, and advice on dealing with financial institutions.

Business Support

The primary goal is to provide comprehensive business support to small businesses that lack the necessary knowledge in areas such as management and taxation. While small business owners often excel in leveraging their skills in technology, sales, and relationships to drive revenue, they frequently lack experience in tax and financial management, as well as negotiating with financial institutions. Moreover, many do not have the resources to hire specialized staff to handle these tasks.

Recognizing these challenges, TEOS offers cost-effective solutions by providing access to experts with the necessary knowledge at the right time and in the right place. For example, when a loan is needed, TEOS advises on which documents to submit and to whom. If a business cannot pay a tax bill in full, TEOS provides guidance on what materials to bring to negotiations with tax authorities.

Additionally, TEOS helps members expand their sales channels by facilitating the introduction of appropriate members to one another for collaboration, ensuring that each member finds the right fit for their needs.

Specific Support Services:

Business Consulting: Consultations with professional business consultants.

Partner Consultants and Advisors: Ongoing business guidance and support from partner consultants and advisors.

Negotiations with Government Agencies: TEOS’s specialist staff and advisory team assist members in submitting petitions and engaging in negotiations with government agencies.

Tax Issues: Assistance in resolving various tax-related problems, including negotiations with the National Tax Agency and local tax offices.

Institutional Loans and Financial Negotiations: Advice and support for members seeking institutional loans from government or private financial institutions, as well as general financial-related consultations.

Detailed Overview 2: Welfare Services

Welfare Services

Focusing on one of the key human rights issues?the protection of vulnerable populations?TEOS undertakes its own welfare initiatives to set an example for how social welfare projects should be conducted. Specifically, TEOS aims to safeguard the human rights of vulnerable individuals, such as recipients of public assistance. To this end, the organization operates “free or low-cost lodging facilities,” a type of second-class social welfare service, providing affordable housing as a foundation for these individuals’ lives. In addition to shelter, TEOS offers a wide range of support, including assistance for the disadvantaged, employment support, and self-reliance assistance, helping individuals on their path toward reintegration into society.

TEOS currently operates facilities in Setagaya Ward, Shinjuku Ward, and Taito Ward, all of which are fully occupied. These facilities have received high praise from local government authorities, and there have been requests for the establishment of additional facilities.

As part of a new initiative, TEOS has also begun developing multifunctional bathhouses in collaboration with the Public Bath Industry Cooperative. This initiative targets public bathhouses, many of which are closing or going out of business. These bathhouses are critical local infrastructure and provide essential disaster relief functions. The new bathhouses are being developed to incorporate welfare facilities, reflecting the need for multifunctional spaces in local communities.

Support for Persons with Disabilities

TEOS promotes the social and economic independence of individuals with physical, intellectual, and mental disabilities through various support measures that assist with their daily lives. The organization strives to ensure that people with disabilities can enjoy equal rights and opportunities. TEOS provides support to special education schools and facilities, and it works to ensure that the intellectual property rights and copyrights of disabled individuals who engage in creative activities are adequately protected.

Detailed Overview 3:
Environmental Conservation

Soil and Water Quality Environmental Survey

In recent years, there have been numerous reports of river pollution, water quality degradation, and soil contamination. TEOS conducts measurements of pollutants in contaminated water and soil and offers consultations on how to address these pollutants. Additionally, TEOS supports water quality and environmental assessments of areas such as Tokyo Bay and the Nagara River.

2.TEOS also assists with ecosystem and water quality investigations being carried out by the Institute for Ecosystem Research, focusing on regions like Tokyo Bay, the Kiso River, the Shimanto River, and Lake Biwa. These efforts are crucial for understanding and preserving local ecosystems.

Collaboration and Support with International Organizations

The deterioration of the global environment requires worldwide measures. In Japan, the frequent use of concrete and other man-made structures for disaster prevention has contributed to the destruction of ecosystems and accelerated global warming. In contrast, Europe and the U.S. are actively implementing Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to purify water and restore ecosystems by harnessing natural forces. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has also been promoting Ag.NBS (Agriculture Nature-Based Solutions).

Through the participation of Chairman Komatsu, who serves as an advisor to the FAO’s Ag.NBS Committee and regularly attends web meetings, TEOS promotes the dissemination of international information to food, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and environmental organizations. TEOS will support the Shimanto River International NBS Symposium hosted by the Institute for Ecosystem Research in March 2025, as well as the Tokyo Bay NBS Symposium scheduled for March 2026.

Detailed Overview 4: Human Rights Issues

The protection of natural environments and ecosystems is closely linked to economic activities, labor conditions, and people’s livelihoods. Chairman Komatsu and Chief Advisor Sasabe emphasize the deep connection between environmental conservation and human rights. Exploitative working conditions in industries such as mining, fishing, and farming, as well as child labor, highlight the importance of considering human rights when addressing environmental protection and health. TEOS actively promotes safe and prosperous living conditions, the protection of vulnerable groups, and the improvement of living environments through its initiatives.

Detailed Overview 4:

Promoting Public Health

TEOS aligns with the mission of the Kaikokai Medical Group, which advocates that “the mission of medicine is to protect life and health, the foundation of human dignity.” Together with the group, TEOS is working to promote this cause and build a cooperative framework for its activities.

The Kaikokai Medical Group focuses on two major healthcare challenges in Japan today: the “diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors” and the “treatment and care of dementia.” In collaboration with the group, TEOS organizes seminars and symposia to address these issues and raise awareness.

One of the key topics discussed at these events is, “Is there an effective countermeasure for advanced cancer?” These forums are aimed at providing valuable insights and fostering dialogue on critical healthcare challenges faced by the public.

役員構成 ・理事長(総理)
社外パートナー ・弁護士 ・司法書士 ・税理士
・公認会計士 ・行政書士
・弁理士 ・農学博士
「NPO法人 TEOS」の基本構成図
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